Rabbi Zak as we call him is probably the most extraordinary teacher I have had in my entire life in the world of education. This also includes University Professors’. Rabbi Zak and I go back a long way. I met Rabbi Zak in 1987 when I came to visit my dad in Crown Heights for the first time. He was talking to me about Yeshiva Chanoch Lenaar. I automatically got close to him; his caring personality is something I am blessed with today. Because of Rabbi Zak, I moved to NY in December of 1988 and started at a yeshiva. Even though my father came to Chabad at an early age in the ’80s growing up conservadox in TX there were not any Jewish Schools as there are today.
How has this teacher’s kindness impacted you and your life?
He has been a part of my life since 1987. We speak till today twice or three times a week. He also gives a shiur Monday evening on Zoom so we are able to see each other on a constant basis. In fact, I am coming to Crown Heights in August first time in 12 years and I will be staying with my Rebbe. I couldn’t go through life especially now with the loss of my Daddy without him.
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